Sunday, 4 June 2017

Fear of 'Better'

2         Fear of Better

Children are very- very receptive. They learn new style gladly. They adjust with the circumstances as the water of the river adjusts with its terrain.

We cannot say the same thing about grownups. As we grow older we become rigid towards adopting new style, technique or habit. Then a time comes when we stick to old experiences and refuse to change. This stage normally comes when we are 50+.

It is because our experience acts as a resistance.

For some people experience becomes stepping stone of next success and for some it becomes a source of fear.

The very fear will not allow us to investigate new lifestyles, new channelization of energy, new directions, new lands; it will not allow us.

A woman was very active and agile in her youth. When she became 60+ her body had lot of stiffness in every limb. Her body had become a permanent home of many pains and diseases. Most part of her income was going in medical tests, medicines and to the doctors.
Most of the times, she would just sit or lie on the bed. A wise man suggested her to move her body around. If yoga or other forms of exercise is not possible then do some household work.
She refused. The reason she gave is very interesting. She said,” I have any how acquired a balance, if I do any physical work I fear my balance will go; I would suffer much.”

Fear is like the weeds in the garden. One has to go on continuously pulling them up and throwing them away, otherwise they tend to overrun the whole garden. If we allow the weeds, sooner or later roses will disappear, flowers will disappear and there will be weeds all over the garden.

The fear had robbed the woman of her money and pleasure. If she would allow some changes she would definitely be better than what she was. She let her fear to stop becoming better.

To get rid of fear of change, accept small change. If result is better, proceed; otherwise bring some other kind of change.  Never allow any amount of stagnancy. If fear is less, make it even lesser.

 Soon weeds will be out and roses will bloom again.

To be continued.....

COMPOSED BY   PATHAK SIR  @pathaksirbst ( at twitter) OR

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