Friday, 8 September 2017

Tendency to cling to old happiness

8                  Sad

When we lose something or someone we become sad. The degree of sadness may differ but we feel sad. Some time we feel so much sad that we do not feel like talking. We look for a place which is lonely. The pain is so much that it shatters us from within.

When we are sad, really sad as if we have sunk into sadness, our tears roll out. We feel robbed. We feel collapsed. There is complete calm, quietness and silence in us.

Such Sadness brings depth in us. Once the period of sadness is over we are no more the same. We are different. The sadness has added some more roots in us. More roots mean more growth in our maturity level. We find a new height of maturity in us.

Sadness is needed; Sadness is must for every one of us, though it is highly disliked. Sadness is needed when God decides to bring new happiness to us through different route. We have a tendency to cling to old happiness, old comfort or old relations. But God hates old. HE keeps on changing this world to make it new every time. It hurts now but we have to bear the pain, there is no choice. We have to bear this pain like a mother bears at the time of birth of a child. Later on she is rewarded with a new life. After sadness, there is a different joy; A new joy.

If sadness is happening, and if we accept it rather than frustrating then the sadness becomes like a dark night. The deeper the sadness is, the darker the night appears. Dark nights have very beautiful stars. We have to look at the darkness; we also have to find where the stars are. In sadness we tend to look to downwards. It is fine if we remain in that sadness for a while. Pain has happened. Next is gain.  
 We, just, have to be a silent observer. We have to watch how sadness is exploring us and how sadness is converting us.

To be continued.....

COMPOSED BY   PATHAK SIR  @pathaksirbst ( at twitter) OR